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Opening Your Home to a Foster Dog or Cat

All Aboard Animal Rescue’s existence revolves around the continued dedication and support from our foster families. Our dogs and cats are placed in foster homes because a home environment is better for both their physical and mental state.

We are always in search of more foster families. The more homes available to house our rescue animals, the more dogs and cats we are able to rescue. Please contact us for more information about fostering or fill out online foster application below to get started. Please email foster-related questions to [email protected]. You can also text our Foster Coordinator at 970-817-7916 with any inquiries!

A yearly inspection is required of all foster homes to ensure the continued health and safety of our rescue animals. Fostering is a great way to help our rescue and comes at no cost to you. We will provide all food, medical care, crates, training pads, leash, collar, and bowls (if needed).


Dog Foster Application


Cat Foster Application


Interested in fostering?

Fostering, simply put, is providing shelter and care for an animal while they await their forever home. While it can be quickly summarized, fostering is so much more than providing a roof over a dog or cat’s head and food morning/night. It’s a quick, easy way to change an animal’s (and YOUR) life forever! Many dogs we receive from our partner shelters in Texas and New Mexico are shut down or need work- this is where you come in! With our on-staff consulting available for any advice or needs, you will help each foster dog grow and learn to love life again. All Aboard is also proud to, with the help of our incredible community, provide all supplies necessary to foster! This is including but not limited to: crate, food, toys, bedding, etc. Join us in helping transform these beautiful animals into the soulmates they long to be!

Fostering Requirements

  • Individuals must be 18+ and have reliable transportation.
  • The Colorado State of Agriculture regulations state that each foster home must have electricity, running water & be temperature controlled.
  • Annual home inspection
  • A back-up foster provided by the individual for personal emergencies

How does it work?

We receive anywhere from 5-25 new intakes each week from our partner shelters in the southwest. We take fostering week to week at AAAR – we understand it is a large sacrifice and do hope our fosters regard it as such.

Dog Commitment windows:

Wednesday- Saturday or Saturday-Saturday. Special cases where a dog requires a two week minimum commitment to ensure they are given time to decompress.

Cat Commitment windows:

Kittens under 6 months require a 3 week minimum commitment. Cats over 6 months must* be fostered until adoption. Cats do not attend adoption events.

For individuals with short term availability only, we will match with a puppy, a younger dog or a well socialized adult dog. Individuals with a more long term commitment available will be matched with dogs who require more stability in a home to thrive or a dog who needs work in any area. Due to this set up for our foster care system, we cannot allow individuals to choose their foster dog. Rather, you will offer “adult dog”, “puppy”, or “cat” availability for a given time. Additionally, you may offer dog weight restrictions for your foster home. Our Foster Coordinator, Cassie, will then reach out to you with options. It is imperative for those considering fostering to understand we are an entirely foster-based organization and cannot remove dogs or cats from their foster homes for anything short of an emergency.


All Aboard hosts weekly adoption events where you will bring your foster pup to find their forever home! These are typically Saturdays, 10am-1pm. You will receive detailed weekly information of where to bring your pup. If we do our job right, fostering is a breeze!

Download our dog foster welcome letter here!